by Wendy Yang Clark

Isn’t it funny how the summer always feels like it’s going to last forever? The days are long and languid, the humidity wraps around you like a hot & sticky blanket, as you’re slapping at mosquitoes, yearning for the arrival of cooler weather. Then, suddenly, it’s here. One day you’re sweating through your bra, and the next, you’re reaching for a sweater, realizing that your chances to swim in the ocean or soak up the sun on the beach have quietly slipped away.

Doing it!  A perfect City Island beach day with family and friends

Every fall, I find myself making the same resolution: next summer, I’ll spend more time at the beach. I mean, it’s *right there*. But this year, I finally did it. Most weekends, I found myself down by the water, even if just for an ankle-deep wade while my kids dig holes or build their signature “blob castles”. It’s these little moments, where I finally kept my promise to myself, that made this summer feel like a small victory.


Another victory: scrolling through my phone and seeing Salty + Strong buzzing with life - selfies galore showcasing those glorious, sweaty post-workout grins. This challenge has become more than just a way to stay active. It’s been about connecting - with nature, with each other, and most importantly, with ourselves.


We designed this challenge with the idea that fitness isn’t just about breaking a sweat in the studio; it’s about exploring the world around us, and what better place to do that than in our own backyard? The idea of including outdoor activities is about reconnecting with nature, with our environment, and with the calming, invigorating effects that come from being outside. There’s something really special about the way nature nurtures both the body and the mind. Science backs this up, too: exposure to green spaces is linked to reduced stress, improved mood, and better overall well-being. So, as we encourage our community to make the most of the final weeks of summer, we wanted to highlight some of the incredible outdoor activities you can dive into right here in The Bronx.


Let's also take a sec to talk about the power of planning your workouts, because life gets busy, and sometimes the motivation just isn’t there. To support you in this challenge, we've created a simple Movement Planner specifically for Salty + Strong. It’s not just about filling in your calendar - it’s about setting yourself up for success.


Research backs this up. A study published in Health Psychology shows that people who plan their exercise sessions ahead of time are more likely to stick with them. Why? It’s partly because planning gives you a sense of control. When you’ve got your workouts laid out for the week, it’s harder to skip them. You’re not leaving it to chance or relying on how you feel after a long day (pooped) - you’ve already made the commitment to prioritize your health.


By downloading our Movement Planner, you can map out your workouts and see your progress unfold. It’s a simple tool, but it makes a big difference. When you plan ahead, you reduce the chances of “I’ll just do it tomorrow”. Plus, it’s so satisfying crossing off each workout as you go. It’s a little win every time, and those victories add up, helping you stay on track and feel good about your progress.

Here’s a list of ways to get outside before it’s time to start buying out all the wet wipes, Elsa lunchboxes, and Trapper Keepers at Target:


1. Swimming at Orchard Beach

Orchard Beach isn’t just a spot for sunbathing; it’s the perfect place to get a full-body workout in the water. Swimming engages all the major muscle groups, and the saltwater can be incredibly soothing for both the skin and the mind.


2. Hiking in Pelham Bay Park

When people think of The Bronx, they often picture urban landscapes, but Pelham Bay Park - the largest public park in New York City - proves there’s so much more to discover. With over 2,700 acres of forests, wetlands, and meadows, Pelham Bay Park offers trails for all fitness levels. For a moderate hike, try the Kazimiroff Nature Trail, which winds through the forested Hunter Island, offering glimpses of the Long Island Sound and plenty of wildlife. If you’re looking for a more challenging workout, tackle the Twin Islands Trail, where rocky terrain and scenic views will keep you on your toes. Hiking is as much a mental workout as it is a physical one, with studies showing that spending time in nature can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


3. Kayaking on the Bronx River

For a workout that combines strength and serenity, try kayaking on the Bronx River. The river, which stretches for 23 miles (!), offers a unique perspective of our borough. As you paddle along, you’ll pass through lush green spaces, under historic bridges, and even the Bronx Zoo. Kayaking works your arms, shoulders, back, and core. Whether you’re an experienced paddler or a beginner, the Bronx River Alliance offers programs that cater to all levels.


4. Biking in Van Cortlandt Park

Van Cortlandt Park is another awesome park in The Bronx, with 1,146 acres of green space perfect for bikers. The Putnam Trail stretches through woodlands and wetlands, offering an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. For a longer ride, continue onto the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail, which offers miles of scenic views. Biking is a great cardio workout that strengthens the lower body, improves endurance, and helps clear the mind.


5. Swimming or Tennis at Crotona Park

Crotona Park’s pool is the largest in the borough at 330 feet - almost four times the size of a regulation Olympic swimming pool! Tennis buffs happily head to the park’s 20 courts to grunt & swing their rackets. Playing tennis is another whole body workout and has many health benefits including: increasing aerobic capacities. lowering resting heart rate and blood pressure, and improving metabolic function.


You’ve got this!  As we accept this challenge, I’ll acknowledge another one - feeling a bit self-conscious or weird about sharing our sweaty selfies online. I’ll admit, when I posted a reel of myself talking into the camera for the first time a few days ago, I was slightly mortified. I was pretty awkward, and kind of dreaded people watching it. But the positive feedback started coming in, not just in the form of likes and comments, but in messages from people saying how my post (and our sweet prize selection) motivated them to get moving or try something new.  Surprise, surprise, no one else cared or noticed how I looked as much as I did.


Sharing your journey - whether it’s through selfies, reels, or actually talking to people IRL - creates a ripple effect. It inspires others, holds you accountable, and builds a sense of community. Research shows that sharing personal achievements, even in small ways, can increase your own sense of accomplishment and reinforce positive habits. And remember, perfection isn’t the goal. What matters is that you’re showing up, both for yourself and for others who might need that extra push. So as we continue to tackle the Salty + Strong Summer Fitness Challenge together, let’s celebrate our progress, embrace our imperfections, and keep moving forward - both in the studio and out in the beautiful nature that surrounds us.


So, grab your gear, hit the trails, the beach, and the studio, and don’t forget to snap a selfie along the way. After all, we’re not just exercising; we’re writing our own stories, one step, paddle, and pose at a time.

Wendy Yang Clark

Wendy Yang: Costume Designer for Film, Television & Theatre



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