Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) is a non-invasive screening using Applied Kinesiology (muscle-testing) to assist practitioners in discovering the underlying causes of ill health. City Islander Amy Castelluzzo became a Certified NRT Practitioner in 2014 and has always been very passionate about health and preventative ways to address DIS-EASE. NRT is only a screening and should not replace other health modalities. Those who experience NRT walk away with a better understanding of their body and how to manage various stressors in specified organ systems. Join us for a fun, engaging workshop about these stressors and how to face them head on!

  • Bellydance, 6/15

    Discover the magic of Bellydance with Agentinian bellydance teacher and performer Jennifer Monti. She'll lead you to explore basic movements and immerse you in the world of Arabic dance. The workshop will start with finding the correct posture, from head to toe, ensuring a strong foundation and proper alignment. You'll learn to create fluid and elegant sequences, combining these movements into a fun choreography. No dance experience is needed! Just come dressed comfortably, bring a hip scarf, and get ready to learn and have fun!


    Join us for a transformative sound bath where you will learn the science behind sound healing and experience its benefits. During this practice, various instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, drums, tuning forks, or chimes are used to produce sound vibrations that can stimulate the body's natural healing process. Let the gentle vibrations wash away stress, creating space for deep relaxation, emotional release, and a profound sense of well-being.