Would you believe in a love at first sight?

Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time 

What do you see when you turn out the light?

I can't tell you, but I know it's mine

- The Beatles

Something about the start of a new school year makes me feel like a character in the 80s /90s series The Wonder Years - that sense of nostalgia, the golden sunlight casting long shadows on the sidewalk, and the bittersweet mix of anticipation and reflection. Stepping into this new season, can be like that magical love at first sight moment, when everything is fresh and full of possibility, even though, like in the darkness, you might not know exactly what's ahead - but you know it’s yours. In the fall, the air gets crisper, the dank humidity finally starts to lift, the bags of trash on the city streets are a little less putrid than they were just a few short weeks ago.  Suddenly you find yourself reaching for a sweater in the morning. It’s the season of sharp pencils and shiny new thermoses (or in this day and age, Stanley Cups), that unmistakable potential of new beginnings. The chaos of summer starts to settle, and whether you’ve got kids heading back to school or not, there’s a shift in the rhythm of life. It’s back to a regular schedule, a little more structure, a little more “you” time.

There's also a touch of sadness to fall’s arrival. September weather in New York is practically perfect, but it also foreshadows what’s to come. Those short, cold days of winter aren’t far behind, and the crisp air reminds me that December/January/February/March will follow faster than I think.

Summer, with its carefree afternoons and long, sunlit evenings, is coming to an end. It’s nose back to the grindstone. For parents, it’s both a relief and a bittersweet farewell. Those extra hours of freedom come at the cost of less time spent together, and the realization that the kids are getting shockingly big - their gigantic backpacks suiting their gangly bodies more each year.

For those without kids, the start of fall brings its own mix of emotions. Maybe it’s the promise of cooler days, the beginning of a new project, or just the pleasure of turning a fresh page in your planner. Fall can feel like a reset button, no matter what stage of life you're in. But it’s also the season of the Crone, a time to acknowledge the wisdom that comes with age, and the transitions that mark the seasons of our own lives.

Just like spring explodes with youth and freshness and new growth, summer is full of vitality and passion. But fall? Fall is about gathering what we've learned, reflecting, and preparing for the winter ahead - a time to harvest not just crops but also wisdom and intuition.

Instructor Emma will be marking the fall equinox with a special workshop on September 22nd. The autumn equinox is the moment when the sun shines equally on both the northern and southern hemispheres - a pivotal moment of balance and transition. In Emma’s two-hour workshop, you’ll have the chance to journal, move mindfully, and find stillness as we reflect on the themes of balance, letting go, and preparing for the darker seasons ahead. It’s a magical opportunity to pause, take stock, and set your intentions for the coming months.

Next week, we’ll be releasing our new fall schedule, so keep an eye on the newsletter for all the updates. We’ve got some great new offerings coming your way. In the meantime, we’re making the most of this perfect weather with a few more sessions of Sunset Yoga at The Morris. If you haven’t joined us yet, now’s the time to soak in that golden hour magic before the season truly shifts.

Whether you’re feeling excited for the leaves to change or mourning the end of summer, we hope you find something to embrace in this new season. Let’s get back into the groove, settle into those routines, and enjoy the changing light while it lasts. 

Wendy Yang Clark

Wendy Yang: Costume Designer for Film, Television & Theatre


